It’s Imran versus the rest at the Senate poll

It’s that time of the electoral cycle again – the Senate election – when the unfortunate tradition of wheeling and dealing and also greasing of palms is at its peak in the race for seats in the Upper House of Parliament, but this time the Senate poll is effectively a contest between the politics of […]

No nation can achieve progress without knowing its history: PM

Prime Minister Imran Khan Sunday said as the country has enormous potential of tourism with diversity of mountains, coastlines, historic and cultural sites as well as religious places, the government would develop Pakistan’s first-ever ‘tourist map’ to attract local and foreign tourists. “When compared with Turkey and Malaysia, which earn $40 billion and $20 billion […]

14-day campaign to celebrate rights of rivers

The International Rivers Day would be celebrated on March 14 around the world. The Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum has planned to celebrate the International River Day with a14-day campaign named as “Rights of Rivers and Personhood Rights of Indus River “. The campaign started from March 1 and under which any novel activities in the Sindh […]