COMSTECH (the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation) has announced an internship program for the students and scholars who are citizens of Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) member states and already studying in Pakistani institutions.
According to an official of COMSTECH, the internship program would provide opportunities to the scholars from OIC member states to have professional learning experience with special emphasis on work ethics, work discipline and teamwork. The interns will have the opportunity to work at the COMSTECH Secretariat, Islamabad for a period of 3-4 weeks. During this period, they will be involved in various capacity building and intra-OIC collaboration programs including workshops, exhibitions, seminars, conferences etc, he said. MS /M. Phil/ Ph.D students or scholars who are citizens of OIC member states and currently studying in Pakistan Universities or institutions are eligible for applying for the training program. The consent of the host supervisor will be required.
About the procedure to apply in the program, the official informed that interested candidates must send their application duly endorsed by head of the departments along with Curriculum Vitae, academic documents and copy of passport to the COMSTECH address which is COMSTECH Secretariat, 33-Constitution Avenue. G-5/2, Islamabad.